What are connectors in English Grammar?

The word connector is something we use for joining two or more things together.

Similarly, in grammar, Connectors are words and phrases that are used for joining two words or statements. There are different functions and rules for using connectors in English grammar. Today we will discuss these in this Article.

There are generally two Connectors in Grammar.

1.) Preposition

2.) Conjunction

Preposition is word used before Noun and Pronoun to show their relation with other word of the sentence generally word nearest back to the preposition.

There are many rules of preposition to be used correctly in the sentence.

1.) Preposition always comes before Noun and Pronoun in the Phrases and Clauses.

Ex- I am going on bus.

2.) Infinitive forms of verbs can't be used after Preposition.

Ex: I sent you for to help. ( This sentence is wrong written here to show Infinitive can't be used after Preposition.)

3.) The over use of same preposition causes Ambiguity in English Speaking.

Ex: I'm playing for my school for winning match for my selection for my upcoming matches. ( It looks too awkward in using same kind of preposition. )

Preposition with its object is called as Prepositional Phrase. 

In grammar, it's used as Modifier called Adjective and Adverb Phrase to modify other words or sometimes whole sentence or clause.

A man with good heart can't be seen everywhere.

In the above example, WITH GOOD HEART is prepositional phrase modifying Noun that is Subject of the sentence.

I am happy on being helped by you.

Here, Prepositional Phrase On being helped by you, used as Adverb Phrase.

Like a adverb, Prepositional Phrase is modifying and giving extra information about adjective, GOOD.

There are two types of Preposition.

1. Simple Preposition

2. Compound Preposition

Simple Preposition is a kind of preposition which contains only one word. Ex: In, for, to, upto, into etc.

Compound preposition is a kind of preposition that contains more than one words or particle. Ex: According to, In front of, amongst, amidst, above, around, along, across, about, bellow, beneath, beside, between, beyond, outside, within, without etc.

Now Come to our second Connector that is Conjunction.

For knowing it, we have to know the difference between Preposition and Conjunction.

As we have discussed, Preposition is a word or phrase used before Noun and Pronoun to show relation with other words of the sentence. On the other side, Conjunction is word used to join two Words, Phrases and Clauses.

There are three types of Conjunction in English Grammar.

1.) Coordinating Conjunction

2.) Subordinating Conjunction

3.) Correlative Conjunction

Coordinating Conjunction is a type of Conjunctions which is used to join two equal ranks of Words, Phrases and Clauses. Ex: and, or, but etc.

Subordinating Conjunction is a type of Conjunctions which is used to join Embedded clause/ Subordinate Clauses/ Dependent Clause with Main/Principal/ Independent Clause. It's always used before Subordinate clause to show its identity of Embedded in the sentence.

Ex: When I go, he always opposes me.

Here, When is here Subordinating Conjunction.

Ex: When, Why, What, Where, How, because whenever etc.

Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions used to illustrate how two words or phrases within a sentence relate to each other.

Ex: either/or,  Neither/nor, etc.

In next Article, We will be dealing with Uses of Preposition.

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