Noun: What is Noun and its function!

Noun is word which names a person, thing, place, idea or can say anything that we can think up in the sentence.

There are two ways of classification for Noun.

According to Number

Noun has been characterised in two parts.

1) Singular Noun

Noun which stands for a single particle is called as Singular Noun.

Example: Romil, Rama, Mohammad etc.

2) Plural Noun

Noun which is used for identifying more than one thing. In general, most of the plural noun is made by adding 's' and 'es' at the last of the sentence.

Example: Friends, Men, People etc.

The second classification has been done on the basis of Quality. It is very similar to Singular and Plural Noun.

There are also two types in this classification.

1) Countable Noun

Anything that is possible to count up is termed in the group of Countable Noun.

Ex: Man, Women, Friends etc.

2) Uncountable Noun 

The thing and material that can't be counted is called as Uncountable Noun 

Example: Water, Oil etc.

In general or can say in old fashioned grammar, we qualify Noun in five parts.

1) Common Noun, 2) Proper Noun, 3) Collective Noun, 4) Abstract Noun, 5) Concrete Noun

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